layout: true class: center middle --- ## Memory Safety ### Welcome to Rust! 19 October 2016 --- layout: false class: left ## Administrivia Course Components: * Assignments * 6 in total * Group work and pair programming are both okay. * Presentations * Presenting a problem/solution, an intriguing feature of Rust * Connected [perhaps loosely] to the current assignment * Done once, with a partner (Signups Soon!) * Final Projects * Graph APIs, Implementations, and Algorithms? * I'm open to other ideas too --- layout: false class: center, middle ## On our goals --- ## Installation * We'll install Rust using Rustup! * We'll be using the `stable` build of the compiler for most of the course. * It is found here: []( * If you use Arch you can use: `pacman -S rustup`. * A similar command *might* work for apt-get, Homebrew or other package managers. --- class: middle, center ## Examples Time! --- ## Hello World ```rust fn main() { println!("Why hello there!"); } ``` ??? * Curly brace language * Bare functions --- ## Variables ```rust fn main() -> () { let name = "Prof. Lewis"; println!("Why hello there, {}", name); } ``` ??? * Format macros * Let bindings * Type inference * Q for next week: "What is the type on `name`?" --- ## Immutability by default ```rust fn main() -> () { let name = "Prof. Lewis"; name = "Prof. Ben"; // ERROR println!("Why hello there, {}", name); } ``` -- Fixed: ```rust fn main() -> () { * let mut name = "Prof. Lewis"; name = "Prof. Ben"; // Okay println!("Why hello there, {}", name); } ``` --- ## Functions ### Explicit return ```rust fn increment(x: i64) -> i64 { return x + 1; } ``` ??? * Type annotations in signatures -- ### Implicit return ```rust fn increment(x: i64) -> i64 { x + 1 } ``` When possible, implicit return is the idiom. Explicit return is fine when it is more convenient. ??? * Expression orientation `x + 1` is an expression, `x + 1;` and `return x + 1` are statements. * `{ EXPR }` is also an expression * Implicit return --- ## Branching Okay: ```rust fn max(a: isize, b: isize) -> isize { if a < b { return b; } else { return a; } } ``` ??? * Parenthesis are optional * Curly braces are not -- Better: ```rust fn max(a: isize, b: isize) -> isize { if a < b { b } else { a } } ``` ??? * `if` statements are actually `if` expressions! --- ## For Loops ```rust fn is_prime(n: u64) -> bool { for div in 2..n { if n % div == 0 { return false; } } true } ``` ??? * Integer range syntax * Mod syntax (most syntax inherited from C) * Early return is sometimes useful! --- ## While Loops ```rust fn is_prime(n: i64) -> bool { let mut div = 2; while div < n { if n % div == 0 { return false; } div += 1; } true } ``` ??? * No `i++` --- ## 'Forever' Loops ```rust fn is_prime(n: i64) -> bool { let mut div = 2; loop { if n % div == 0 { return false; } div += 1; if div == n { break; } } true } ``` ??? * No `i++` --- ## Type Aliases Type aliases: ```rust type Quotient = (i64, i64); fn main() { let quo: Quotient = (6, 3); } ``` ??? * Explicit type annotations. * Literally just an alias. --- ## Tuple structures ```rust struct Quotient(i64, i64); fn main() { let quo = Quotient(6, 3); } ``` --- ## Record structures ```rust struct Quotient{ dividend: i64, divisor: i64, } fn main() { let quo = Quotient{ dividend: 6, divisor: 3 }; } ``` --- ## `Struct` constructors ```rust struct Quotient{ dividend: i64, divisor: i64, } impl Quotient { fn new(dividend: i64, divisor: i64) -> Self { Quotient{ dividend: dividend, divisor: divisor } } } fn main() { let quo = Quotient::new(6, 3); } ``` ??? * `Self` is an alias for the type in the `impl` --- ## Method Syntax ```rust struct Quotient{ dividend: i64, divisor: i64, } impl Quotient { fn new(dividend: i64, divisor: i64) -> Self { Quotient{ dividend: dividend, divisor: divisor } } fn eval(&self) -> i64 { self.dividend / self.divisor } } fn main() { let quo = Quotient::new(6, 3); quo.eval(); } ``` ??? * If the first argument is `self` then you can use dispatch syntax. * Fear not, this is static dispatch here. * the `&` in `&self` means "take by reference" or, "take by a pointer". * This happens automatically from the caller's perspective * More on this later --- ## Enums You can express different options (classically called "disjoint unions"): ```rust enum Option
{ Some(T), None } fn main() { let o = Option::Some(5); } ``` --- ## Reading Enums: Pattern Matching ```rust fn main() { let o = Some(5); match o { Some(i) => println!("The number is {}", i), None => println!("No number"), }; } ``` ??? * `Option`, `Some`, and `None` are in the standard library. --- # Match: Also an Expression Of course, `match` constructs are also expressions ```rust fn main() { let integer = Some(5); let half = match integer { Some(i) => Some(i / 2), None => None, }; } ``` -- However, the idiom is to use `map`. It's function signature is: ```rust fn map
(self, op: F) -> Result
where F: FnOnce(T) -> U ``` ```rust fn main() { let integer = Some(5); let half =|i| i / 2); } ``` ??? The `|i| i / 2` is an anonymous function which takes `i` as an input an returns `i / 2`. --- ## Option
::and_then Sometimes you want to do a "map", but the result of the "map" is actually an `Option`. This is what `and_then` is for. [Function signature][and-then-option] ```rust fn main() { let integer = Some(5); let div = 0; let quotient = integer.and_then(|i| { if div == 0 { None } else { Some(i / div) } }); } ``` --- ## Option
Build functions `divide` and `multiply` for `Option
` so that divide by zero errors produce `None` values rather than runtime errors. --- ## Result
While `Option
` can be used to express "`T` or an error", sometimes you want more descriptive errors. ```rust enum Result
{ Ok(T), Err(E), } ``` Let's take a look at the standard library's documentation for result! --- ## try!: Motivation Sometimes you want to do a long series of computations, each of while might fail: ```rust fn process_file(file_name: String) -> Result
{ // Open file. If it fails, return the error // Read file. If it fails, return the error // Parse the contents as an integer. If it fails, return the error // Return the integer } ``` This is what `try!` is for! --- ## try!: Definition One can understand try like this: Pseudo explansion rules: ``` try!(Ok(stuff)) => stuff, try!(Err(err)) => return Err(err), ``` -- Macro definition: ```rust macro_rules! try { ($e:expr) => (match $e { Ok(val) => val, Err(err) => return Err(err), }); } ``` [memory-cpu]: [map]: [and-then-option]: