layout: true class: center middle --- ## Memory Safety ### Ownership II 1 November 2016 --- layout: false class: left ## Administrivia * Grading * To get full marks * Do all assignments, your presentation, and the final project * Also do 2 bonuses (possibly in the same week) * OR put in the requisite (8 - 1.5) hours * Late policy * Everyone gets a euro -- good for getting 1 assignment in up to 1 day late without penalty. * Otherwise, late assignments receive a penalty commensurate with 1 bonus each day. * If you're in a sticky situation, talk to me -- I'm happy to grant an extension --- layout: false class: left ## Outline of today 1. Assignment Debrief * Sample solution * `while let`, `if let` 2. Tree Rotation Exercise * `box` syntax * Tree representation * Rotations exercise * Application of `box` syntax: * Boxes and partial moves. 3. Assignment Brief * Project Structure * Macros 4. Implications of Ownership * Data Races! * `Send`, `Sync` --- class: center middle ## Assignment Debreif -- First of all, nice work! -- Biggest room for improvement: _using Rust idioms_. --- ## Idioms Exercise Grab a partner and go here: []( --- ## While-Let Consider this code: ```rust impl
{ fn reverse(&mut self) { let mut list = SinglyLinkedList::
::new(); loop { match self.head { Some(_) => list.push_front(self.pop_front().unwrap()), None => break } } mem::swap(&mut self.head, &mut list.head); } } ``` Can we eliminate the `unwrap`? --- ## While-Let We can match on the result of `pop_front` to eliminate the `unwrap`! ```rust impl
{ fn reverse(&mut self) { let mut list = SinglyLinkedList::
::new(); loop { match self.pop_front() { Some(item) => list.push_front(item), None => break } } mem::swap(&mut self.head, &mut list.head); } } ``` Is there a good way to say "loop until this thing is `None`"? --- ## While-Let While-Let allows us to express "loop while this expression matches this pattern": ```rust impl
{ fn reverse(&mut self) { let mut list = SinglyLinkedList::
::new(); while let Some(item) = self.pop_front() { list.push_front(item); } mem::swap(&mut self.head, &mut list.head); } } ``` If-Let works similarly ("If this expression matches this pattern, then ... , else ..."). --- ## Writing Idiomatic Code The best way to write more idiomatic code is to _read_ idiomatic code. To that end, I strongly recommend you check out the sample solution, which is the `solution` branch in the starter code's repository. --- class: center, middle ## Tree Rotations --- ## Binary Trees in Rust How should we represent a binary tree? -- How about this? ```rust struct Tree
{ data: T, left: Option
>, right: Option
>, } ``` -- Not quite: ``` error[E0072]: recursive type `Tree` has infinite size ``` -- Once upon a time the error was not as nice:  --- ## Binary Trees in Rust A better representation: ```rust struct Tree
{ data: T, left: Option
>>, right: Option
>>, } ``` -- An alternative representation: ```rust enum Tree
{ Leaf(T), Fork(Box
>, T, Box
>), } ``` --- ## Exercise: Tree Rotations Binary trees can be rotated:  Go [here][rotation-exercise] to implement left-rotation! `box` syntax and patterns (available on nightly) may be useful: ```rust let x: Box
= box 5; let box y = x; // y is an i32 ``` --- class: center, middle ## Assignment Briefing --- ## Project Structure For the last assignment you were able to to run `cargo test` in order to test your code. This command assumes your project is structured in a certain way. Part of Rust project structure is specified by the language (enforced by `rustc`). The rest is specified by Rust's build tool / package manner, `cargo`. Let's start with the part built into the language. This is the module system. --- ## Project Structure: Modules A Rust program or library consists of a tree of modules. These modules serve two purposes: 1. Creating privacy barriers 1. Allowing code to be organized across a filesystem --- ## Modules: Privacy ```rust mod a { pub use self::b::inc; mod b { pub fn inc(x: i32) -> i32 { x + 1 } pub fn plus_two(x: i32) -> i32 { x + 2 } fn plus_three(x: i32) -> i32 { x + 3 } } pub mod c { pub fn plus_four(x: i32) -> i32 { x + 4 } } } ``` Because `inc` is `pub`, it is visible in module `a` by name `b::inc`. Question: Which functions are visible in modules a, b, c, and the root module of the file? What names may be used to identify them? --- ## Modules: Privacy ```rust mod a { pub use self::b::inc; mod b { pub fn inc(x: i32) -> i32 { x + 1 } pub fn plus_two(x: i32) -> i32 { x + 2 } fn plus_three(x: i32) -> i32 { x + 3 } } pub mod c { pub fn plus_four(x: i32) -> i32 { x + 4 } } } ``` Answers: * root: a::inc, a::c::plus_four * a: inc, b::inc, b::plus_two, c::plus_four * b: inc, plus_two, plus_three * c: plus_four --- ## Modules: Filesystem Interactions We've seen how `mod a { ... }` makes a module `a` with contents `...`. The following is also valid: `mod a;`. It does one of two things: 1. Takes the contents of `` (in the same directory) and makes a module `a` around them. 2. Takes the contents of `a/` and makes a module `a` around them. This allows for code to be distributed across different files ``` src/ list/ ``` ``` rustc src/ ``` --- ## Project Structure: Cargo So far we've looked at how Rust determines project structure using _modules_. Rust's build tool and dependency manager, `cargo` also influences project structure. It does this by choosing which file to run `rustc` on*. By default it looks for `src/` or `src/`. It can de directed to look elsewhere. --- ## Cargo.toml Example ``` [package] name = "wk2-starter" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Alex Ozdemir
"] [dependencies] nom = "^1.2.4" [[bin]] // Defines a binary name = "repl" // named repl path = "src/" // with main fn in src/ // Build with `cargo build --bin repl` // Run with `cargo test --bin repl` // There can be multiple binaries ``` --- class: center, middle ## Macros --- ## Macros So Far... We've been using a number of simple (but useful macros). ```rust try!(/* expr */); println!("{:?}", x); unimplemented!(); unreachable!(); assert_eq!(5, 5); ``` Macros can get _much_ more sophisticated, as hinted at by: ```rust println!("{}", 5, 6); ``` --- ## Exciting Macros This is an example macro invocation from the library we'll be using this week. It declares a parser which parses a factor (an i64). ```rust named!(factor
used to specify parser 'return' type alt!( // , used to separate name from specification i64_digit | parens // | used to indicate alternatives (it's a ) // digit or a parenthesized expression) ); ``` --- ## The Assignment This week you'll be using `nom`, a parser combinator library that uses macros to declare parsers. You'll be turning it's canonical example (a parser that 'parses' an expression into its value) into a parser that parses an expression into a tree. While this doesn't sound like it would raise memory issues, it will raise a few, and this assignment is about noticing them when they happen and reacting accordingly. _Debugging will be painful: Rust handles error messages related to macros better than many languages, but it's still pretty rough._ --- class: center, middle _two minute break_ --- class: center, middle ## Ownership and Concurrency --- ## The Ownership System Recall that the Rust ownership system (enforced by `borrowck`): 1. Requires all data have a unique owner. 1. Requires no reference outlives its referent. 1. Prohibits simultaneous aliasing and mutation. _Also recall that we've yet to give a precise definition of **simultaneous** or **outlives**._ -- The ownership system naturally gives rise to nice concurrency properties. Specifically, Rust guarantees that no _data races_ will occur. --- ## Data Races What is a data race? A situation in which the output of a program depends on which thread accesses data first. An example: ```rust use std::thread; let x = 0; for i in 0..100 { thread::spawn(|| { x += 1; }); } ``` Why is this a race condition? Does it compile? ??? Lifetimes 101. --- ## Data Races How does the compiler know that the closure may outlive the current function? The answer lies in the documentation for `thread::spawn`, [here]( --- ## Data Races: Summary * For a function (or closure) to be executed in another thread, that closure must be callable for a _very long time_. * Specifically, it must outlive (or equal) `'static`, the lifetime of the program. * This effectively prohibits one thread writing to a location while another thread reads it. * Consider: we want to spawn a thread `A` which will write to `x` while we read from `x`. Options (they ultimately don't work -- why?) 1. We move `x` into `A`, then try to read it 2. We make a reference to `x`, then try to move it into `A` 3. We give `A` a mutable reference, then try to read `x`. 4. We make a reference to `x`, then try to give `A` a mutable reference. --- ## Remaining Questions We still haven't provided precise definitions for the terms *outlives* and *simultaneous* as used by the ownership system. -- We have, however, bumped into some of the syntax used to talk about such things. We saw that for a function `F` to be callable in another thread, `F` must satisfy: ``` F: 'static ``` which means that `F` must 'outlive' `'static` where `'static` is the lifetime of the entire program. -- Next time we'll develop this idea of a lifetime more fully. [rotation-exercise]: